He is returning to jehovah because his mother is very sick ?
I wonder if she has money ?
i'm 43 and a divorced mother of 2. in january 2019 i met the man i thought i could spend the rest of my life with.
we were happy and even though our relationship wasn't perfect (like all relationships) i thought we had a chance and were building a life together with our young kids.
background on me - i've been divorced since 2012 after 12 years of marriage.
He is returning to jehovah because his mother is very sick ?
I wonder if she has money ?
i am surprised no one has mentioned what is going on in canada.. maybe they have but i missed it.
so here are some of the facts as i know them.
ontario only.. sault st. marie had their six congregations whittled down to two.
"Meadowlands (Ottawa) – Thorn in the side of the WT forever. It has now been taken care of. LOL."
Do tell us more about this.
good move or bad?
Before they reach their "go bang by " date.!
has anyone read this book?.
i figured i had to comment because everyone was telling me oh tim, youre going to love this book.
she went to the same assemblies as you, she was raised in a similar household, she did poetry slams as well.
I knew i had bought it..a search on amazon found it..in 2010. I read most of it....got bored and gave it away..
please rate your top choices .
1. crises of conscience.
ray franz.
I bought your book...bethelite
Must get punks book...whats it called again Paul?
Bought C of C a few years back...hard going to start with...but couldnt put it down after half way through.
so i'm on ebay looking for old jw books and i see this crap.... .
i think some cheap person has taken poundland dolls, put kids clothes on them and have the cheek to flog them for $73.60 (plus shipping).. for one, they look nothing like them.
and two, how creepy are these?!!
Notice the seller is "service buddies ".
it brings to mind my niece when she see`s how dry the countryside is ,how armageddon must be so close..
Its very wet here..do armageddon must be very close.
fader here - last meeting was in autumn 2005. lurker on this site and others.
not one to get all controversial.. typical situation, pretty much a born in and left the church at age 38 and never looked back.. i'm 53 now, parents getting older - late 70s but very active, dad is still an elder.. parents, in laws, brother and brother-in-law still uber active jws.. my family (wife and 2 adult children) out since 2005.. we have stayed close to our parents - we have treaded religion lightly and have had a pretty good relationship and have kept our personal lives and beliefs/opinions separated from them.
this was intentional - as we love them and do not want anything to cause shunning since they are getting older and want to be there for them and we respect their beliefs.. got this letter today.
Just because they shun uou..you dont have to shun them just carry on..family business as usual.
If the subject of you returning to jehovah does come up....just reply that IF you decide to..it will be on Your terms..and in your own good time...and any further shunning from then will only serve to drive you further away.
i was told today that my jw family had a massive family gathering with presents exchanged, drinks and a big roast dinner.
they even wore paper hats.. the day they chose for this family day?.
26th december.. totally not christmas or anything - honest.. does anyone elses family do that?
Unbirthday party?
hope you are all well,.
i was wondering within the organisation if there are any guidelines or grounds for nullifying a baptism.
see i grew up a jehovah's witness and was baptised at age 13, i didn't get baptised for the right reasons, i felt pressured to because my friends were getting baptised at the same time.
A point to remember if family members shun you....it isnt by mutual agreement. So..if you choose to talk to a family member..then do do..just as you would to anyone else. They can reply..or ignore you. If they do so..the word ignore changes to ignorant. Do you want to talk to ignorant people?